
Archive for May 3rd, 2009


I believe that window treatments are like mascara for rooms – you don’t have to have them, but when you do the room looks finished.  I’ve had a long, sordid history with window treatments – not really loving most inexpensive pre-made ones and having limited ability to make more unique ones because of sub-par sewing skills and (cue the standard motherhood excuse) a lack of time.  However, my latest affair with window treatments ended beautifully, both for the wallet and the creative ego.  The key?  A shower curtain.  The cotton beauty came from eBay (for under $20 including shipping), and with a pen, a pair of scissors, some fusable webbing (it’s like permanent tape for fabric), an iron/ironing board, straight pins, drapery clip rings and a rod, I had new curtain panels in under two hours.  Shower curtains make it easy because they already have finished hems and you don’t need to go through the process of pre-washing the fabric because it’s already done.  Here’s how I made mine:

  • Hang the drapery rod where desired (I chose to hang mine right across the top of the window molding)
  • Place clip rings on the rod (I used 10 for each panel)
  • Mark the center of the shower curtain by folding it lengthwise and making a small pen mark at the top
  • Hang shower curtain from the rod, spacing clip rings evenly across both halves
  • Determine how long you would like the panels to be by folding the bottom of the curtain and pinning
  • With hem marked, take curtain down and lay flat on the floor or a table
  • Make one long straight cut where you want the desired hem PLUS 2 inches.  For example, if it turns out you want 60 inches between the top and bottom hems, you should cut a straight line at 62 inches.  A yardstick or ability to follow a line in the fabric pattern helps in cutting a straight line
  • Once the bottom hem is cut, make a straight cut from the mark at the top all the way to the bottom hem; now you have two panels
  • Take one panel, and working the long side first, fold the edge over ½ an inch and iron all the way down.  Then, following the directions on the fusible webbing, make another ½ inch fold over the webbing and iron the seam shut
  • Following the same directions as above, iron the bottom seam, except this time make the first fold ½ an inch and the second fold 1½ inches (it looks more finished when you have a wider hem at the bottom)
  • Repeat for the side and bottom hem on the other panel
  • Hang them up and enjoy the satisfied feeling you’ll have from making one-of-a-kind window treatments for your home!

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My home décor philosophy?  Real life and a beautiful home can co-exist.  Sometimes it takes a little bit of time, or a little bit of money, or a little bit of elbow grease, but I believe that everybody can have a comfortable, lovely home that includes all the messiness of real life – kids, animals, whatever.  For me, real life is two wild and delicious boys under 5 (dirt), an incredible husband who is an avid mountain biker (more dirt), a 70-year old home in need of updating (crooked floors and pink tile), working outside the home four days a week (almost no time) and a tight monthly budget (you get the drift). 

Through this blog I plan to share great products (Shop It), Do-It-Yourself ideas (Make It), ways to use what you already own (Reinvent It) and other inspirations that I have experienced myself or that I pick up through my near-addiction to home design magazines (don’t even get my husband started on the piles). 

Oh, and before you read any further, I want to give a special shout-out to my longtime friend and aptly-titled Chief Creative Consultant, Christine Koh, who not only seems to have the answer to every question I have about blogging, but designed my rockin’ logo (isn’t it great?).  Visit her at www.BostonMamas.com and www.PoshPeacock.com to get some for yourself. 

Hope you enjoy…

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